Yesterday huge snowflakes just started falling and they just wouldn't stop!
In two days the city has been filled with snow and it is almost impossible to walk outdoors.
What a life right? Its so cold and there is so much snow that you have to stay indoors. This is by the way, one of the biggest points I always bring up when I have the discussion regarding living in Sweden in the future or not with my mother. She obviously thinks I should stay as close as possible to home so that we can meet within a couple of hours if something ever happens. Understandable, but me on the other hand, I just want to get out! I wish I could pack my whole family in a black nice little family bag and take them with me, and I think there might be a possibility with my brother and even my mother too. But I just want to live somewhere else.
Where being outside shouldn't be a question of being able to go outside or not. I want to be able to visit stores and restaurants after 8 Pm and I want to be surrounded with inspiring and interesting people who love to share their stories. Unfortunately, that place Im looking for, is not here.
I lived in LA for year. One of the best years of my life. Because of many reasons, some of them that I mentioned already, but there is more, and those things can't even be put into words.
I miss California. I really do.
Number 23 and 24. I love that pic of our numbers side by side, if only alicia Had 25. Love this blog. Its real and you know I can totally relate, Even though Im in LA I still feel parts of me are empty , because Im not with my family and not with good friends. So I in a place I want to be but not with people I need to be with. Totally can relate girl.