I've had meetings with co- PM's, listened to a really nice lecture with two people from Lost Boys International from UK (www.lbi.co.uk). I have bought dinner for my roommate because it is his birthday, I have had After Work (school) with some classmates at PlayBar AND I have packed my bags to go to London!
Great day really. If I think about it.
So, tomorrow we are going to London! Im really excited! For those of you who don't really know the reason Im going to London, Im going to break it down for you.
In October we had the Experience Technology Module. We were divided into groups and given a random piece of technology. In four weeks we had to create an experience technology installation of some form, with an identity and purpose.
My group created the TRIFORCE. A really cool installation on the wall where you cold create ambient music and illustrations by moving your hand (wearing a Triforce glove) over the installation. It is a little hard to explain but it was really successful and everyone that tried it loved it. We were told to create an exhibition in Stockholm together with their class to promote these installations. The result was: 800 visitors, media coverage and a lot of experience.
A jury walked around and judged us upon many difference bases and 5 groups were announced as winners of the Exhibition. Our group being one of the winning groups. So the outcome of being a winner of this was to get the chance to go to London and exhibit what we have done. Thats why we created the Island2Island event.
Here is a link to the TRIFORCE Blog: http://thetriforce.blogg.se
Here is a link to the newspaper METRO that did a story on my group: http://www.metro.se/2009/11/03/r_d23hjcwysgielq_flgwrnw/
Here are some pictures of the installation

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