Saturday, October 2, 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010

Dear Blog

Our relationship has lasted somewhat more than 6 months, and I have shared great times with you. You have always allowed me to express anything I've wanted and stayed very open with me and especially in regards to the random times I choose to communicate with you. I know I sometimes don't even write and days pass by, but it has been because I have only wanted to talk to you only when I have had something interesting to say.

Needless to say, every relationship comes to an end. I have found someone else. Someone who not only allows me to write whatever I want, whenever I want, but also someone who allows me to be as big or as small as I want to be. Someone who will put up my pictures in the size I want. Someone who allows me to choose anything I want. Someone who allows my complete customization. I have met Wordpress.

I'm sorry. I will still keep in touch with you father who helps me find ANYTHING I need, instantly now a days. And also your sweet mother who has the best video clip library I know of.

If you want to keep in touch with me, please do that through

Wish you all the best,


(My new blog will be released sometime next week) Stay

tuned on twitter for the release!