Monday, December 21, 2009

Im going to be one of those cool bloggers.

Ok. My first deal in here is trying to figure out how to get rid of this horrible double lined frame I got wrapped around my banner. To do that I need to know some HTML. I hate HTML. I had some knowledge back in the days from the Playahead and Lunarstorm times, but that doesn't really take me far. I know I should be knowing how to remove those lines, but I can't do it and it is a little annoying. Mostly because Im in a situation where Im incapable of doing something I want to do, and that sucks I must say.

First it took me forever to find a place to blog from. Wordpress, blogger, blogspot, tumblr, and plenty other happy candidates were only few of the thousands acutal blog-spots to blog from which is crazy, and when I finally decided where to sign up for an accoung, I couldn't even get the banner to look good.
I'll be fine though. I know Theo will first laugh, but then he will help me. So I'll be fine.

I am a little bit against this whole blog thing really. I can't help to think that it is a little juvenile. But obviously not all blogs are fashionistas or backpackers trying to keep in touch with their families.
Once every blue moon I see these mature, inspirational and interesting blogs and I just decided tonight, Im going to go for it.
Im going to be one of those cool bloggers.

Its night time in Stockholm, Sweden, so before I get too excited about my new flake of identity out on the internet
I better shut it down.

Stay tuned though. I think I might pull this off.


  1. One thing to keep in mind. It's easy to loose the interest in your blog after a while because you feel that foo few people are reading it to even make it worth writing on.
    My experience tells me that there is loads of people reading it in secret. :D
    When I stopped blogging, a few strangers came up to me where I worked and asked my why I hadn't posted in a long time. :P

    God Jul!

  2. So nice my friend, I´m so looking forward for round 2!
    Love S
